My name is Deb Perdue and I am Studying this year to get Certified with the PPA to become a Professional Photographer! Right off the bat I know this is going to be a Process! Here's how it is going!....

Monday, July 5, 2010

Lesson #1!

The first thing I have learned is that I need a light meter! The 4 part webinar on Lighting with Roger Daines has been GREAT! I can't believe I have been getting away with so much and not having this piece of standard photographic equipment! I had a very old light meter years ago in college and right after the webinar (Part 1) I went searching all around the house for it! I found lots of stuff too! Like my old dark room easel, Dodge & burn tools, some old Ilford Paper, a very large timer and my film developing tank! You can imagine the mess I created looking for the meter... An obsolete mini darkroom sprawled all over the room - What memories! What relief! The digital world has made things so much easier! But then again... Could this be the reason why my old Light meter has been packed away? Allowing my skills to relax & rely only on the meter in my modern camera! AHA! I finally found the darn thing cowering in a box two rooms away! I gently coaxed it out promising that I would never take it for granted again! I know the poor thing will probably end up with my collection of old camera equipment again someday... but for now I am remembering the value of it! A PRO has to know! Just looking at it reminds me that I will have to start doing some of the work to be GREAT at what I do! Come on Light Meter! Let's Shoot!

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