My name is Deb Perdue and I am Studying this year to get Certified with the PPA to become a Professional Photographer! Right off the bat I know this is going to be a Process! Here's how it is going!....

Monday, July 5, 2010

Where do I start?

I feel like I have been taking pictures blindly for about 10 years now! Although I hold an associates in Fine Art and have completed courses in Basic Photography, I have relied on my camera HEAVILY! I have never felt confident in charging people for what I do because I have never really gotten to know my Best friend - the Camera! Three months ago I had almost given up on photography altogether. "A lack of education can promote hopelessness with inexperience" 
Being a person who trusts God in all things I had to give it to Him in Prayer! Almost immediately the answer was presented to me in the form of Sandy Puc's Certification Website. No hesitation in clicking the GO button on this one... but all of a sudden everyone else who knows who Sandy is was clicking the same button! WOW! I am surprised to find out how many photographers in the sea of GREAT photographers are not certified yet! Maybe I still have time to catch up and be a PRO! I am so happy to start on this journey not just for certification, but I will be justifying all of the images and pastime spent by improving my skills with education. (Cue the patriotic Music!) I expect our future images to be based on the skillful handling of our equipment instead of LUCK and Automatic exposures! I will be meeting others who can teach and relate to the problems I face. Hopefully in a few short months I will start to build up the courage to be compensated for Images that are worthy of Professional Photography! PPA certification will bring Fourth Floor Studio customers QUALITY preserving memories and spreading the goodness of FAMILY VALUES through the art of photography! God Bless our cameras!

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