My name is Deb Perdue and I am Studying this year to get Certified with the PPA to become a Professional Photographer! Right off the bat I know this is going to be a Process! Here's how it is going!....

Monday, July 5, 2010

Where's my Book?

So the Book we need to have to study for the Certification Test is Photography 9th or 10th Edition by London, Upton & Stone. I searched, I shopped, I bought, I read! HEY! Why did some of these photos look so familiar to me? You guessed it! Another search around the house produced a book named Photography 5th edition! Wow! Had I really been on the right track so many years ago? I Guess so except for the fact that Digital cameras have very little space in that edition! Photography 5th edition... I would like to introduce you to Light Meter!

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